
Oh dear. What was I thinking!!

The elevations have just been released for the Future2 Wheel Classic 2017. Just like oil and water, fat old blokes and hills don't mix. So, here’s the ride profiles (just click on the links) Day 1: Day 3: Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: 7 days, 780 km, 13,027 metres of climbing. It’s that last number that has got me a little nervous. In anticipation, I’ve put mountain bike gears on my road bike so I’ve got several much lower ratios to work with. I’ll need them too. Tomorrow we climb to Cradle Mountain in what will be a pretty crazy day on the bike. Tassie is a spectacular part of the world though - can’t wait to get in to it! This was in the suitcase below about 15 minutes ago. Yes, there is a bike in here. Future2 Wh

About this blog

As you likely know, the Boy Scout Motto is, “Try to set everything on fire”.  Oh, my apologies, that was the secret motto - the one you’re not supposed to know about, but by which Boy Scouts really live. At least that's the way it was when I was a kid. The other motto — the one they want you to know about – is “Be prepared.” Luckily, the bicycle is a lightweight, relatively simple machine - a miracle of efficiency. You only need to bring a few things with you on a multi-day ride to be adequately prepared to take care of your nutritional, health, and mechanical needs. Specifically: Clothes  Thongs  Water  Water filter  Food  Matches  Stove  Plate  Knife, fork and spoon  Towel  Soap  BO killer  Sterile dressing  Antibiotic ointment  Burn ointment (in case you come across a Boy Scout)  Band Aids  Duct tape  Mobile Phone, miscellaneous cords and charger  Solar charger  Tent  Sleeping Bag  Pillow  Self-inflating mattress  Rain coat  Leg and arm warm